Quiz for a spouse
DO YOU HAVE OR KNOW WHERE TO FIND (without asking your spouse)
1. Your birth certificate?
2. Your spouse’s birth certificate?
3. Birth certificates for each child?
4. Your marriage license or certificate?
5. Divorce decrees or death certificates regarding any prior marriage?
6. Records showing title to the family real estate and the cost basis
adjusted for improvements and depreciation?
7. Real and personal property tax receipts?
8. Income tax returns for the past four years?
9. Title to your cemetery lot or mausoleum, if any?
10. Titles to automobiles, boats, motors, etc?
11. Your social security number?
12. Your spouse’s social security number?
13. Social security numbers of each of your children?
14. Where your spouse keeps life insurance policies?
15. A list of the life insurance policies on your spouse’s life, group life insurance?
16. The face value (less loans) on all insurance on your spouse’s life on
January 1 of this year?
17. The name and address of the life insurance agent for your spouse?
18. The premiums, due dates, and beneficiary designations on life
19. Similar information on life insurance on your life and the lives of your
20. What medical, accident, and health insurance your family owns?
21. The nature, coverage’s, premiums, and due dates on all property and
liability insurance?
22. The name and address of the insurance broker who handles your casualty
23. The life, accident, health and other group insurance from your spouse’s (or
your) employment?
24. The amount of social security benefits you and your children will receive upon
your spouse’s death?
25. A list of any benefits to which you, your spouse or your children my be
entitled, based upon your spouse’s military service, or corporate stock
26. The market value of your separate assets on January 1 of this year?
27. The market value of your spouse’s assets on January 1 of this year?
28. The market value on January 1 of this year of all real estate,stocks,
corporate bonds, government bonds and other property owned with your spouse
(or anyone in any form of joint ownership)?
29. The location and number of any safe deposit box in your spouse’s name, your
name or joint names?
30. The location of the keys to the safe deposit box and the parties who have
access thereto and the passwords, if any?
31. All family bank accounts, including the banks, the titles of the accounts, and
the persons who have powers of attorney?
32 Where your spouse’s Will is kept?
33. The contents of your spouse’s Will, including the name of the personal
34. Whether you have a power of appointment under your spouse’s Will or any other
35. The name and address of the attorney who drew the Will or should represent
the estate? (You should know her or him personally.)
36. The name and address of the accountant whom your spouse employs on personal
37. The name and address of the preparer of your tax returns?
38. Your spouse’s principal banking contact?
39. The names of the stockbrokers you and your spouse use?
40. The approximate family income for the last year?
41. Your spouse’s various business interests, including percentage of ownership, rights
upon death or the death of an associate, and whether such businesses are operated
as corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorship?
42. The desires of your spouse, and you, for the disposition of any closely held
43. At least $1,000,000 of liability coverage on your automobile?
44. Up-to-date beneficiary provisions on life insurance that have been reviewed within the last three years?
45. Current Wills (or Wills and Trusts)? This includes:
A. Have they been reviewed in the past two to three years or since new circumstances have arisen?
B. Currently acceptable personal representatives trustees, and
testamentary guardians named in your Wills?
C. An estate plan that has considered taking of the marital deduction if
gross family assets, including life insurance and joint property, exceed
$2,000,000 (2006)?
46. An estate plan which has considered gifts to your children to minimize your income and estate taxes, finance their education and start building their estate?
47. Fire insurance on your home and contents that has been checked within the last two years for the coverage and the type of policy?
48. An appraisal or listing of your tangible personal property?
49. An appropriate amount of insurance on your jewelry, furs, an art objects based on recent appraisals?
50. Adequate personal and household liability insurance?
51. Knowledge of the possible gift tax liability for your home, bank
account, securities or other assets placed in your joint name?
52. Complete understanding and acceptance of one another’s estate plan?
0 - 12 YES: Terrible. Don't sit there. Rush to your spouse and demand answers.
13 - 20 YES: Good. That doesn't mean“good.” You need more information
23 - 32 YES: Well above average, but you still know only about half of what you should know. Ask - soon!!
33 - 42 YES: Remarkable. You are among the very best informed spouses.
43 - 52 YES: Go to your spouse’s office and take over. Hurry - you are better
than he or she is.
If you are going through a divorce, or contemplating one…go easy!!!